Benefit Hunt for the Erik Burleson Firefighter Cancer Foundation

Introducing Our Benefit Hunt for the Erik Burleson Firefighter Cancer Foundation
As you know, firefighting is not just a job; it's a calling. But it comes with risks, far beyond the immediate dangers we all recognize. Today, we’re stepping up to help those who’ve faced the flames for us. This upcoming hunt is dedicated to the brave souls who’ve served as firefighters, and now need our support in their battle against cancer.
Why This Cause? The Erik Burleson Firefighter Cancer Foundation is on a mission to support retired firefighters in getting screened for cancer – a disease that strikes far too many of our heroes, often due to the hazardous environments they've entered to save lives. The foundation is also working to provide gear free from PFAS, ensuring better health and safety for firefighters actively serving our communities.

Here’s How You Can Help:
Join us for this exceptional hunt. Whether you’re a seasoned hunter or new to the sport, your participation means more than just a day out in the wild – it’s a lifeline for those who’ve protected us. This is our chance to give back while doing something we all love.

How to Sign up?
Call or go to Texan Guns and Gear
  • Phone- (254)-965-9099
  • Address: 6688 S. US. Hwy. 377 Stephenville, TX, 76401
  • Or directly message us on Facebook.